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  • Writer's pictureGEOLINKS

Your safety is our care

As of May 30, the Ministry of Health of Bulgaria has issued Order № RD-01-287 / 30.05.2020, which allows the conducting of congresses, conference events, seminars, exhibitions, including events of the exhibition industry, when the seats are occupied up to 30% of their total capacity and in compliance with the introduced anti-epidemic measures.

Thus, we, GEOLINKS Team, would like to confirm once again the dates of the event – 05-07 October 2020, Hotel Imperial, Plovdiv, Bulgaria.

What our team will do for your safety during GEOLINKS 2020:

Conference halls

We have booked bigger conference rooms and cocktails area in the conference venue - Imperial Hotel, than the ones we initially planned. Imperial Hotel management has also adjusted the order to all conference facilities and have rearranged the chairs and space between them.

Scientific program

We will arrange separate sessions between the different scientific fields. Authors with more than one paper will present their papers in one scientific session of the plenary program. Oral and poster sessions will be held with different coffee breaks if needed to avoid crowding.

Workshop sessions will be organized in more than one session, in case more participants have signed to join the same session (online survey will be arranged) in order to comply with the safety requirements.

Conference team

GEOLINKS registration desk will work with two team members. All conference materials for each participant will be sanitized and individually packed prior to giving to each member. Physical contact will be minimized.

Only two members will also serve to one conference room. Sanitizers will be available on the registration desk, each room, coffee break place, and to the organized Opening and Closing Cocktails.

Accommodation in Imperial Hotel

Our partners from Imperial Hotel are keeping the highest standards of cleanliness, and sanitization for the whole venue – conference rooms, accommodation rooms, common spaces, registration desk, restaurant, and outdoor spaces.

All touchpoints in all public areas will be sanitized at least three times a day.

Social Program and Leaders Dinner

Social Program will be re-arranged in order to plan to visit less crowded and open-air places, with the possibility to book the visit and control the people at each of the included stops. Social Program is still free for all participants. Read more here.

All sights, included in GEOPASS are currently open. For more information about the measurements, taken by each of the sights, please follow their official webpages. GEOPASS is still free for all participants. Read more about GEOPASS here.

The Leaders Dinner will be organized in the garden of the restaurant. If the weather is not appropriate, the event will be organized indoors with all anti-epidemic measurements and distance between tables 1.5 meters. The restaurant is meeting the highest hygiene measurements. Leaders Dinner is additionally paid event. All current registrations to the Leaders Dinner are remaining active for the new dates.

All team members of the GEOLINKS and Imperial Hotel are fully briefed on the latest situation and guidelines provided by the government as regards diligent hand washing and social distancing. On the pre-conference and all-conference days each member will have his temperature measured. We currently have no reported positive COVID-19 cases of our team members, their families or any of our service providers.

For the latest news and updated regarding the current situation of COVID-19 in Bulgaria, please follow the official Government pages.

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